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BIKES Picnic

  • 04 Aug 2017 8:02 PM
    Message # 5013059
    Dan Scott (Administrator)

    It's the social event of the summer! The BIKES picnic is Sunday, August 13 at Hauge Homestead Park, 1819 121st Street, SE, Everett on Silver Lake. Rides at 3 different paces will start and end at the park at 10 a.m., returning in time for lunch around 12:30 or 1 p.m. We have the picnic shelter reserved all day, so come mix and mingle with new and longtime club members.

    RSVP to me at scott dot elaine dot m at to let me know if you want a hamburger, polish sausage, salmon patty or veggie burger. Club also provides buns, condiments, ice tea and lemonade. 

    You bring your own plate, cup and silverware, plus bring a potluck dessert or side dish to share. Also, bring a chair - and consider carpooling or arriving by bike as parking is limited.

    Elaine Scott

  • 05 Aug 2017 8:42 AM
    Reply # 5013882 on 5013059
    Deleted user

    I can bring plastic drink cups if people don't mind a xmas theme :).

B.I.K.E.S. Club is a members-based club. You must be a member to join us on our rides and tours. Our dues are low and are a real bargain. Won't you join us?

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B.I.K.E.S. Club of Snohomish County
 PO Box 5242

Everett, WA, 98206

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