The club provides hamburgers, Costco polish sausage, salmon burgers or veggie burgers plus buns, condiments, plates, silverware and napkins. Please bring your own beverage!
B.I.K.E.S. members bring chips (crackers, etc), salad or dessert to share.
If you plan on joining us, please contact Elaine Scott: 425-501-6198 ASAP to let her know what you prefer: polish sausage or burger type? We have reserved the picnic shelter so bring a lawn chair so you can relax with your cycling friends.
No alcoholic beverages allowed!
Parking will be difficult, please carpool or ride your bikes if possible. There is some street parking along the south side of the lake.
There will be pre-picnic rides posted on updates soon. Check back...Mike Dahlstrom already has a social ride listed on the calendar, start time 11:00 am.