Hello Centennial Trail users,
Snohomish County Parks has asked us to share this notice:
Pavement Repairs on Centennial Trail – Expect Intermittent Closures
Approximate Dates of Work: October 31 to December 30
Project Description: The project will complete pavement repairs including cut and patch, crack sealing, removal of tree roots & installation of root barrier at approximately 177 locations, within approximately 8.3 miles of the Centennial Trail between the intersection of Maple and Pine Streets in the City of Snohomish and the intersection of 36th Street NE and Old Hartford Road in the City of Lake Stevens. The work will also include cut & patch repairs at two additional locations to the north of Lake Stevens, the first near 108th Street and the second near Wade Road.
Staff Contact: Dave McConnell, Snohomish County Parks & Recreation Department
Phone Number: (425) 388-6627
Email: david.mcconnell@snoco.org
Construction Company: Danneko Construction