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Follow Will's cross-country ride

  • 01 Jun 2016 5:04 PM
    Kristin Kinnamon (Administrator)
    Message # 4052089
    Kristin Kinnamon (Administrator)

    From Will McMahan: I want the club to know that I am going on another solo cross country ride this summer, leaving on Tuesday, May 31st.  This trip will end in Raleigh, North Carolina, again, but will be a different route than the last time.  

    Ironically, a small portion of my trip will be on the GAP and C&O Canal.  I chatted with Clarence about his plans.  As for me, I will be peeling off, partway down the C&O, shooting straight up into the Appalachians, in order to see family.

    This trip, projected to be 4,200-4,400 miles is broken into 60-75 mile increments, with a day of rest every 5-7 days.

    The purpose of letting you know is because there may be other members who are considering such a journey.  If so they might be interested in following my online journal at:

    Please give everyone my best. 
  • 02 Jun 2016 11:20 AM

    Thanks for posting.  It should be fun to follow.   

  • 19 Jul 2016 1:30 PM
    Kristin Kinnamon (Administrator)
    Kristin Kinnamon (Administrator)

    Update from Club Member Will McMahan:

    This might be a good time to give you an update on my cross country bike trip.

    Today is Day #50 since leaving Everett. Right now I am in Indianapolis, resting.  Tomorrow I leave for Ohio, reaching it on Thursday.

    This trip is not too different than the one I took in 2008. Beautiful country, wonderful people, lots of unexpected curve balls to work around.

    With 2,700 miles into the journey, the biggest changes from 2008 involves the weather. 2008 was much rainier than now, even had a snowstorm for a day and a half. This year is much sunnier, but the inclement weather has been far more violent. Severe storm cells and tornados have been frequent visitors but either have missed me (except once) or I just got inside before all hell broke loose (once by 20 seconds).

    Mostly moteling it, I expect to get to Raleigh,  North Carolina, in the latter part of August.

    Please pass on my regards to everyone in the club.

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 PO Box 5242

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