Here's a whole lotta walk & roll info from the Walk and Roll: WSDOT Active Transportation Update of 2sday, 2-22-'22:
Walk and Roll: WSDOT Active Transportation Update (
A couple of articles from this update might be of interest:
WSDOT Safe System Approach Work Highlighted in FHWA Magazine
In 2000, inspired by examples from Sweden, the Netherlands, and Australia, Washington became the first state in the nation to set the aspirational goal of zero traffic deaths. WSDOT's efforts to advance the Safe System Approach have recently highlighted in an article in the Winter 2022 edition of Public Roads, the FHWA magazine.
The article incorporates analysis from the new State Active Transportation Plan, particularly its emphasis on equity analysis, speed management, and crossing safety.
Washington's a Great Place to Recreate
The Recreation and Conservation Office is updating the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Plan and Statewide Trails Plan. You're invited to share your favorite spots for recreation on an interactive map. You can go to the map to share a story and a photo and learn more about the update process on the web page.
Have a great ride!