Commemorative Bricks
Resilience Monument Plaza is located under the arch at the junction of the Centennial Trail and Whitehorse Trail less than ΒΌ mile north of the Stillaguamish River on the north side of Arlington. This is your opportunity to have a personalized brick installed in the plaza with your name engraved and at the same time help off-set the costs of operating and maintaining Snohomish County long distance trails for pedestrians, bicycle riders, and equestrians.
$100 per brick. Each brick may have up to 3 lines of text with up to 16 characters per line. A space counts as a character. All characters are capitalized.
On October 21, 2021 there were 16 bricks left, and no further acquisition of bricks is anticipated.
For more information and the order form:
Would you like to get involved with trail development in Snohomish County? Consider the Trail Coalition of Snohomish County at