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RSVP 1Anyone Riding?

  • 02 Aug 2012 9:39 PM
    Deleted user
    Message # 1035491
    Deleted user

    I'm riding RSVP 1 for the first time this year and am looking for folks to ride with.  I ride at a social to moderate pace and am planning on starting in Snohomish.  Let me know if you are interested in a riding partner and/or doing any rides prior to the big one - only 2 weeks away.
    Diane Gordon
  • 14 Aug 2012 8:07 AM
    Deleted user
    Deleted user
    I was planning on riding this year but have had to back out at the last minute. Anyone want a 2012 Jersey? I have one of the RSVP ones in a mens LG. $65 instead of the $70 you pay on Cascade.

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 PO Box 5242

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