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This list of tours is tentative - organizers need to hear from you that you are interested, or a tour may be canceled. If there is an RSVP date, contact the Tour Leader by that date to express your interest and confirm details.

Be sure to check Ride Updates Forum, Forums, and BIKES Facebook group. Tour Leaders may post potential tour information to any of these seeking input on dates, destinations, or routes. If in doubt, contact the Tour Leader directly.

Tour Tips

  • Tours are for members of B.I.K.E.S. Club of Snohomish County - we welcome you to join the club!  Then, make sure your membership stays up to date! 
  • Riders cover their own costs for food and lodging and share transportation costs if applicable (for SAG or carpools). 
  • Riders typically make their own hotel/motel/camping reservations.
  • Have your bike in good repair and be ready to ride the terrain and the distances involved. 
  • Everyone should have the equipment and know how to deal with a flat tire.  
  • If you want to diverge from the intended routes, plan to communicate with the ride leader and be able to find your own way.

HS = hub & spoke (stay all nights in one hotel/motel or campground)

Credit Card = stay in hotel/motel, SAG luggage or carry your own

Self-contained = haul your own luggage for camping

BIKES Club rides and tours are for BIKES Club members only. If you're not a club member, you can easily JOIN HERE and then join us on our club rides and tours!

The fine print: insurance disclaimer

  • Rides of more than one day are considered a tour.
  • A tour shall not exceed 5 consecutive days of bicycling per insurance limitations.  
  • Tours over 5 consecutive days of bicycling require approval by our insurance provider.
  • All BIKES Club rides and tours are limited to the USA only per our insurance provider.

    Upcoming Tours

      • 16 May 2025
      • 10:00 AM
      • 19 May 2025
      • 4:00 PM
      • Yakima Washington Area
      • 0

      Yakima Region Hub and Spoke Tour

      January 2, 2025 Update

      The Canyon Ride Date is Official

      Be sure to register for the individual rides!

      Several of you have ridden the Yakima Canyon between Ellensburg and Selah during the "Your Canyon For A Day" event where they close the road to most cars during the middle of the day. For those of you that have not ridden the canyon, you're missing out. It's beautiful - at least in my Central Washington loving opinion. The plan is for a four ride, steady pace hub and spoke tour centered in Yakima that includes the canyon ride, a ride to Zillah for tacos with a winery stop on the way back, a loop through Tieton and Naches returning along the greenway, and on the way home, a loop through the eastern portion of the Kittitas Valley from Rotary Park in Ellensburg.

      Now that we have an official date for the Canyon ride, we can put the rest of the details in place for the tour. Fortunately, the tentative date stuck so there are no changes to the overall tour dates. 

      I am listing each ride separately.  That means you need to register for each of the rides you want to do.  I know it's a pain, and I wish I could just transfer registrations in the background, but I can't.  There's are several reasons for doing it this way.  The biggest one is that not everyone wants to do all four of the rides, and this allows people to register for what they want to ride.

      Please read the descriptions for the individual rides and register for the rides you want to do!

      ---------- Original Posting  ----------

      Several of you have ridden the Yakima Canyon between Ellensburg and Selah during the "Your Canyon For A Day" event where they close the road to cars for most of the day. For those of you that have not ridden the canyon, you're missing out. It's beautiful. The plan would be for a four ride, steady pace hub and spoke tour centered in Yakima that includes the canyon ride, a ride to Zillah for tacos with a winery stop on the way back, a loop through Tieton and Naches returning along the greenway, and on the way home, a loop through the eastern portion of the Kittitas Valley from Rotary Park in Ellensburg.

      The rides would be about like this: Yakima Area Routes

      Important Note About Dates:

      There has been enough interest to put this on the calendar as a place holder, partly to help me manage my own calendar.  I called and checked on the "Your Canyon For a Day" ride in 2025.  They have a tentative date, but no final agreement yet.  Since the tour is scheduled around the canyon ride, don't be surprised if the dates move by a few days should they canyon ride date change.  We should have final dates well in advance. 

      Other Notes About the Canyon Ride:

      I show a longer ride with a loop through Ellensburg.  There is also a shorter option that turns around at Thrall road at the north end of the canyon.  Since this an organized event, people can choose how far they want to ride.  It's not necessary for everyone who signs up to ride the same route.

      The canyon ride is a paid event.  It was $65 last year and included a t-shirt.

      • 16 May 2025
      • 10:30 AM - 4:00 PM
      • Moxee City Park, South Rivard Road, Moxee, WA
      • 1

      Yakima Region Tour - Day 1

      Moxee to Zillah for Tacos and Wine

      The Essentials

      Where: Moxee City Park on South Rivard Road in Moxee, WA

      When: Friday, May 16th, 2025 @ 10:15AM for a 10:30AM rollout

      Pace: Steady (12 - 14 mph)

      Route: Mmmm, Tacos!, 35.4 miles, 1564' of elevation gain

      Ride Leader: Paul Heydron, + 1 425 344 1543,

      If you are already registered for the Yakima Region tour and want to do this ride, please resister for this also!

      The Description

      The plan is for a steady pace ride from the hop capital of the world, beautiful (being kind here) Moxee, WA over the hill to Zillah wine country and back.  Along the way we'll stop at Stewart Park in Zillah to see the Teapot Dome Service Station then head over to Taqueria La Plazita to pick up some lunch.  The plan is to pack the lunch and head back toward Moxee with a stop at Two Mountain Winery for lunch and a perhaps a bit of wine tasting.  After that we'll head back over the hill to Moxee and wrap up the ride for the day.

      Nuts and Bolts

      HAVE A FLASHING TAIL LIGHT!  A headlight is good too.

      Last time I was there, there was a public restroom at the park in Moxee.  It's been a while though so no promises.

      You don't have to have tacos.  Feel free to bring a lunch or there are fast food choices a few blocks from Stewart park.

      We'll likely take a gravel road part of the way back - see the RWGPS route.  This road isn't always open.  If it's not there is an easy detour on paved roads.

      See the Two Mountain Winery website (linked above) for tasting information.  Remember that riding under the influence is (a) not legal, (b) not safe, (c) really not a good idea in general, and (d) your responsibility, no one else's.

      Remember to bring the usual stuff - snacks, a lunch if you want to pack it, essential bike tools - especially flat repair equipment, sunscreen, and plenty to drink.

      The mean daily high temperature is around 75F in mid-May.  It can be substantially hotter or colder though.  May is usually pretty dry, but not completely.  Plan accordingly.

      • 17 May 2025
      • 10:45 AM - 3:00 PM
      • Gilbert Park, Lincoln Avenue, Yakima WA
      • 0
      Join waitlist

      Yakima Region Tour - Day 1

      Tieton and the Yakima Greenway

      The Essentials

      Where: Gilbert Park off of Lincoln Avenue, Yakima, WA

      When: Saturday, May 17th, 2025 @ 10:30AM for a 10:45AM rollout

      Pace: Steady (12 - 14 mph)

      Route: Not Much in Tieton, 35.8 miles, 1,582' of elevation gain

      Ride Leader: Paul Heydron, + 1 425 344 1543,

      If you are already registered for the Yakima Region tour and want to do this ride, please resister for this also!

      The Description

      The plan is for a steady pace ride from the west side of Yakima out through Cowiche to Tieton and then returning along the Naches River via the Yakima Greenway Trail.  We'll stop in Tieton for lunch, thus the later start.  There's not a lot in Tieton, but the Nomad Kitchen, Santos Bakery, and Don Mateo have good reputations.  Of course you can bring your own lunch and there is also a convenience store.  Lunch may be in Tieton City Park. The ride out along Summitview Road isn't the most peaceful.  It's a busy road but has a wide shoulder.  The route may be altered to take a few of the back roads, but expect a similar distance and elevation gain.

      The ride along the Yakima Greenway is just the opposite, it's a well developed, peaceful, paved, urban trail along the Naches river.  There are parks, restrooms, and other amenities, but that also means traffic near the main trailheads.  We'll return to the start through Yakima.

      Nuts and Bolts

      HAVE A FLASHING TAIL LIGHT!  A headlight is good too.

      No restroom at the start.

      Remember to bring the usual stuff - snacks, a lunch if you want to pack it, essential bike tools - especially flat repair equipment, sunscreen, and plenty to drink.

      The mean daily high temperature is around 75F in mid-May.  It can be substantially hotter or colder though.  May is usually pretty dry, but not completely.  Plan accordingly.

      • 18 May 2025
      • 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
      • S Canyon Road at the Roza Recreational Area
      • 3

      Yakima Region Tour - Day 3

      The Yakima Canyon

      The Essentials

      Where: S Canyon Road at the Roza Recreational Area

      When: Sunday, May 18th, 2025 @ 9:45AM for a 10:00AM rollout

      Pace: Steady (12 - 14 mph)

      Route 1: The Official Route, 35.1 miles, 1,364' of elevation gain

      Route 2: A Little More, 53 miles, 1,497' of elevation gain

      Ride Leader: Paul Heydron, + 1 425 344 1543,

      If you are already registered for the Yakima Region tour and want to do this ride, please resister for this also!  You also need to register for the event!

      The Description

      This ride is an annual event that benefits Crime Stoppers of Yakima County.  You need to do two things.  First, register for the this ride here, with BIKES Club.  Second, you need to register and pay for the ride here.  Registration is not yet open.  Check the linked site to see when it is.

      Now, about the ride ...

      The ride starts at the south end at the Roza Recreation area and heads to the north end of the canyon at the Yakima Canyon Interpretive Center near Thrall Road.  It's a pleasant 17.5 miles out, slightly up hill and usually against the wind, which of course makes the way back slightly downhill and usually with the wind.

      For those that want a little more, I've included a second option that leaves the official route and takes a loop through Ellensburg.  The route shown goes past Super 1 foods and other places to pick up lunch then shows a stop at Rotary Park for a place to enjoy it.

      Before the ride, please let me know which route you plan to take.  We will make sure there is a ride leader for each route.

      Please read the description on the registration we site.  They state there will be "light snacks and water along the route", but there's not a lot in the canyon, so plan to bring enough to eat and drink and consider the light snacks and water as bonus.

      Nuts and Bolts

      HAVE A FLASHING TAIL LIGHT!  A headlight is good too.

      The last time I was at Roza it was a pit toilet.  I can't imagine it being closed when the hold the ride, but I can imagine it being pretty ... adventurous.  Plan accordingly.

      Remember to bring essential bike tools - especially flat repair equipment, sunscreen, and plenty to drink.

      The mean daily high temperature is around 75F in mid-May.  It can be substantially hotter or colder though.  May is usually pretty dry, but not completely.  Plan accordingly.  The canyon can have it's own weather.

      • 19 May 2025
      • 10:30 AM - 4:00 PM
      • Rotary Park, West 5th Ave, Ellensburg, WA
      • 3

      Yakima Region Tour - Day 4

      Ellensburg Parke Creek Loop

      The Essentials

      Where: Rotary Park off of West 5th Ave, Ellensburg, WA

      When: Monday, May 19th, 2025 @ 10:15AM for a 10:30AM rollout

      Pace: Steady (12 - 14 mph)

      Route: Farms, canals, and rocks, 37.2 miles, 1,045' of elevation gain

      Ride Leader: Paul Heydron, + 1 425 344 1543,

      If you are already registered for the Yakima Region tour and want to do this ride, please resister for this also!

      The Description

      Time to head home, but one last ride on the way.  We'll start at Rotary Park in Ellensburg and loop east through the Kittitas Valley along rural farm roads, head north across I-90 and then along Parke Creek for a bit before turning west and heading back to Ellensburg.  After that I'm going to go to The Tav and have a Hawaiian Fowl Mother on the back patio before driving home.

      If you haven't seen the Ellensburg wind gauge, the local paper has a picture here.  Yeah, it's a joke ... but kind of not.  We'll ride out, which is uphill, with the prevailing wind and back, which is downhill, into the prevailing wind.  Unless it's an epically windy day.  Then I'm just going to head to the TAV before going home.  May is usually pretty good ... don't let the headline in the news article scare you off.

      Once leaving Ellensburg there's not much in the way of amenities.  Hit the bathroom at the park before leaving town and bring enough snacks and water.

      Nuts and Bolts

      HAVE A FLASHING TAIL LIGHT!  A headlight is good too.

      Remember to bring the usual stuff - snacks, a lunch if you want to pack it, essential bike tools - especially flat repair equipment, sunscreen, and plenty to drink.

      The mean daily high temperature is around 75F in mid-May.  It can be substantially hotter or colder though.  May is usually pretty dry, but not completely.  Plan accordingly.

      • 16 Jun 2025
      • 9:00 AM
      • 20 Jun 2025
      • 7:00 PM
      • Salem & McMinnville, OR
      • 4

      Mid-Oregon Multi-Mode Tour 2025

      This tour is an opportunity for adventure travel from Snohomish County by bike, train, and even a ferry to visit the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum in McMinnville, Oregon.

      Ride Leaders:   

      Rick Proctor,, 425-293-3153

      Cindy Proctor,, 425-293-3152

      The Plan:

      Day 1 Monday June 16th:

      • Get yourself, your bike, and your stuff to the Amtrak station where you will board the train.  Everett and Edmonds are the only stations in Snohomish County that will support Trainside Checked Bicycle Service.  Amtrak has rules for travelling with bikesReservations for you and your bike are strongly recommended.
      • You, your bike, and your stuff will need to change trains in Seattle, then continue to Salem, OR.
      • In Salem, ride your bike 1.4 mile with all your stuff to a 3-star hotel near the Willamette River. 

      Day 2 Tuesday June 17th:

      • Ride your bike with all your stuff to a 3-star hotel (2 nights) in McMinnville.
      • Choose between 2 scenic routes:
        • Short BIKES Club route of 30 miles with 840 ft of gain (steady effort).
        • Longer BIKES Club route of 35 miles with 1,626 ft of gain (moderate effort).

      Day 3 Wednesday June 18th:

      • Visit the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum.  This is where the “Spruce Goose” is located among many more aircraft, spacecraft, and related stuff.
      • 3.4 bike miles each way between hotel and museum.
      • Optional: ride your bike on a local scenic RWGPS route of 31 miles and 355 ft of gain.

      Day 4 Thursday June 19th:

      • Ride your bike & stuff via a different route to the same 3-star hotel in Salem as the first night.
      • Choose between 2 routes with the Wheatland Ferry across the Willamette River:
        • Short BIKES Club route of 32 miles with 500 ft of gain (steady effort).
        • Longer BIKES Club route of 34 miles with 600 ft of gain (moderate effort).

      Day 5 Friday June 20th:

      • Reverse of day 1 to get home.
      • Different 1 mile bike route from hotel to Salem train station.

      Note: Steady and moderate efforts are normal steady and moderate road paces slowed down by a touring load of gear, uphills, headwinds, etc.  Frequent regroups.

      Your Responsibilities:

      • Make your own Amtrak reservations for you and your bike.
      • Make your own lodging reservations.
      • Acquire your food in commercial food joints.  Our chosen hotels provide breakfast.
      • Carry picnic lunches for days 2 & 4.
      • Group size limited to the available bike spaces on the train (10 max).
      • If this sounds like your idea of fun and you want to go, please Register for this event as soon as possible.  Details for each day will be provided if there is sufficient interest. 

      • 14 Jul 2025
      • 8:30 AM
      • 18 Jul 2025
      • 5:00 PM
      • Mill Creek Sports Park
      • 6

      Mill Creek - Stampede Pass Tour 2025

      This is a 5-day / 4-night unsupported bike tour from Mill Creek to Stampede Pass with overnight motel stays in North Bend each way and two nights at Snoqualmie Pass.  No camping gear required, but you will need to carry your gear and clothing on your bike.  Meals will be at locally available food establishments.  Picnic lunches for days 2, 3, and 4.

      Ride leader: Rick Proctor,, 425-293-3153.


      • Gravel capable bikes are a must.  The gravel surfaces expected are mostly hard-packed gravel with some loose gravel places possible.
      • Your bike must be in good condition and ready for the route. 
      • You must be able to do your own minor repairs, including flat tire repairs, and maintenance.
      • Daytime only riding expected.  White front and red taillights are recommended to improve our visibility to motor vehicle drivers.  
      • A really good white front light is required in tunnels to help you see your way around potholes, debris, and sleeping bears.

      If you are new to bike touring, or you are an experienced bike tourist with new equipment, or this tour just looks like your kind of fun, then register for this event as soon as possible. 

      Meeting Time & Location: 

      • 8:30 AM Monday, July 14th at the Mill Creek Sports Park for a 9:00 AM roll out.
      • Cars cannot be parked at the Sports Park for the duration of this tour.
      • Parking arrangements near the Ride Leader's home a mile away can be arranged.
      • We expect to return Friday, July 18th by 5 PM.


      • By 8 PM Sunday evening, July 6th, 2025
      • Group size limited to 8 or lodging availability, whichever is smaller.

      You must make your own lodging reservations as soon as possible and acquire your own food enroute per the following info.

      Routes: The total route is something like 42% paved (79 miles) and 58% gravel (111 miles):

      • Day 1 Monday July 14th:
        • 9 AM roll out for 44 miles and about 1,641 feet of gain.
        • 23 miles paved, 21 miles gravel.
        • Paved roads & ½ mile of dirt trail from Mill Creek to Duvall, then mostly gravel Snoqualmie Valley Trail to North Bend.
        • RWGPS link: "Mill Creek – Duvall – North Bend 2025 by RAP".
        • North Bend Motel, call for reservations 425-888-1121.  You must make your own lodging reservations (24-hour cancellation policy). 
      • Day 2 Tuesday July 15th:
        • 9 AM roll out for 32 miles and about 3,302 feet of gain.
        • ·4 miles paved, 28 miles gravel with a 2.3 mile dark, damp, and unpaved tunnel.
        • Mostly Snoqualmie Valley & Palouse to Cascades Trail from North Bend to Hyak, then paved roads to Snoqualmie Pass.
        • RWGPS link: "NorthBend-SnoqualmiePass 2024 by RAP".
        • 2 nights at Snoqualmie Pass Summit Inn or call 425-434-6300.  You must make your own lodging reservations (3-day cancellation policy).  
      • Day 3 Wednesday July 16th:
        • 9 AM roll out for about 30 miles and about 2,500 feet of gain & descent.
        • About 6 miles paved, 25 miles gravel.
        • Paved roads from Snoqualmie Pass to Hyak, then gravel Palouse to Cascades Trail and forest service roads to stampede Pass.  Reverse on return.
        • Lou Rivetti to lead the ride this day.
        • RWGPS route to be determined.
        • Stay 2nd night at Snoqualmie Pass Summit Inn.
      • Day 4 Thursday July 17th:
        • 9 AM roll out for 32 miles and 745 feet of gain and 3,314 feet of descent.
        • Reverse of day 2.
        • RWGPS link: "SnoqualmiePass-NorthBend 2024 by RAP".
        • North Bend Motel, call for reservations 425-888-1121.  You must make your own lodging reservations (24-hour cancellation policy). 
      • Day 5 Friday July 18th:
        • 9 AM roll out for 53 miles and 1,798 feet of gain and 1,848 feet of descent.
        • 44 miles paved, 9 miles gravel.
        • Snoqualmie Valley Trail from North Bend to Fall City, 4 miles of paved roads to connect with Preston – Snoqualmie Trail, Issaquah – Preston Trail, East Lake Sammamish Trail, Sammamish River Trail, North Creek Trail, and roads to Mill Creek.
        • RWGPS link:  "North Bend – Issaquah – Mill Creek 2025 by RAP".
        • Return to your home, perhaps in time for dinner.
      • The moderate “effort” pace of this tour is intended for riders who regularly ride paved roads at a moderate pace slowed down by a touring load of gear, uphills, headwinds, photo stops, rest stops, etc. 
      • Frequent regroups.
      • All riders should have the route information available for their own use (electronic and/or paper) in case of separation. 

      E-Bike Riders Read This:  E-bike riders and Ride Leaders should understand the BIKES Club e-bike policy.

      • 15 Jul 2025
      • 9:00 AM
      • 17 Jul 2025
      • 5:00 PM
      • Lou's House Clearview
      • 5

      Snohomish - Stampede Pass Tour 2025 - Avid 3 day version

      Join myself and Rick Proctor on a 3-day / 2-night unsupported bike tour from Snohomish (Clearview) to explore Stampede Pass with two nights at Snoqualmie Pass at the Summit Inn. This Avid version (yes you can have an extra cookie after this) is an abbreviated version of Rick's 5 day ride - we will all ride as a group on day 2 and first half of 3.  No camping gear required, but you will need to carry your gear and clothing on your bike.  Meals will be at locally available food establishments.  Picnic lunches for days 1, 2, and establishment lunch in route on last day.   

      Ride leader: Lou Rivetti - 425-446-9019.


      • Gravel capable bikes are a must.  The gravel surfaces expected are mostly hard-packed gravel with some loose gravel places possible.
      • Your bike must be in good condition and ready for the route. 
      • You must be able to do your own minor repairs, including flat tire repairs, and maintenance.
      • Daytime only riding expected.  White front and red taillights are recommended to improve our visibility to motor vehicle drivers.  
      • A really good white front light is required in tunnels to help you see your way around potholes, debris, and sleeping bears.
      • An adventurous attitude and ability to keep the other riders including the ride leader from being grumpy - we all have our good and bad days.  

      If you are new to bike touring, or you are an experienced bike tourist with new equipment, or this tour just looks like your kind of fun, then register for this event as soon as possible. 

      Meeting Time & Location: 

      • 9 AM Tuesday, July 15th at the Lou's house of residence in Clearview (directions will be sent to registered riders) for a 9:15 AM roll out.
      • Cars can be park free of charge on Lou's secure property during the duration if you don't want to ride to start location.
      • Ride will start from ride leader's home for an easy mostly downhill ride to the SVT in Duvall.   
      • We expect to return Thursday July 17th by 5 PM.


      • By 8 PM Sunday evening, July 6th, 2025
      • Group size limited to 8 or lodging availability, whichever is smaller.

      Your responsibility is to make your own lodging reservations as soon as possible and acquire your own food enroute per the following info.   Summit Inn at Snoqualime pass is best option unless you know of a rental option for the group. 

      Routes: The total route is something like 42% paved (80 miles) and 58% gravel (111 miles):

      • Day 1  Tuesday July 15th:
        • 9:15 AM roll out for 70 miles and about 5473 feet of gradual gain. Touring pace - prepare to be out most of the day.   You'll sleep well. 
        • 20 miles paved, 60 miles compact gravel.
        • Paved road from Lou's house to Duvall, then mostly gravel Snoqualmie Valley Trail to North Bend.
        • RWGPS link: Avid Day 1 Sno to Sno Pass · Ride with GPS
        • 2 nights at Snoqualmie Pass Summit Inn or call 425-434-6300.  You must make your own lodging reservations (3-day cancellation policy).  
        • ·4 miles paved, 28 miles gravel with a 2.3 mile dark, damp, and unpaved tunnel
        • Mostly Snoqualmie Valley & Palouse to Cascades Trail from North Bend to Hyak, then paved roads to Snoqualmie Pass.
      • Day 2  Wednesday July 16th:
        • 9 AM roll out for 32 miles and about 3,000 feet of gain.
        • Flexable time AM roll out for about 30 miles and about 2,500 feet of gain & descent.
        • About 6 miles paved, 25 miles gravel.
        • Paved roads from Snoqualmie Pass to Hyak, then gravel Palouse to Cascades Trail and forest service roads to stampede Pass.  Reverse on return.
        • In conjunction function with Rick Proctors ride - I will lead the ride this day.
        • RWGPS route to be determined.Stay 2nd night at Snoqualmie Pass Summit Inn.  
      • Day 3 Thursday July 17th:
        • 9 AM roll out for 80 miles and 2600 feet of gain and a whopping 5000+ feet of descent.    
        • Part 1- RWGPS link: "SnoqualmiePass-NorthBend 2024 by RAP"
        • Snoqualmie Valley Trail from North Bend to Fall City, 4 miles of paved roads to connect with Preston – Snoqualmie Trail, Issaquah – Preston Trail, East Lake Sammamish Trail, Sammamish River Trail, North Creek Trail, and roads to Mill Creek.
        • Part 2 RWGPS link:
        • Return to your home, perhaps in time for dinner.
      • The moderate “effort” pace of this tour is intended for riders who regularly ride paved roads at a moderate pace slowed down by a touring load of gear, uphills, headwinds, photo stops, rest stops, etc. 
      • Frequent regroups.
      • All riders should have the route information available for their own use (electronic and/or paper) in case of separation. 

      E-Bike Riders Read This:  E-bike riders and Ride Leaders should understand the BIKES Club e-bike policy.

    B.I.K.E.S. Club is a members-based club. You must be a member to join us on our rides and tours. Our dues are low and are a real bargain. Won't you join us?

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    The premier North Sound cycling event!

    B.I.K.E.S. Club of Snohomish County
     PO Box 5242

    Everett, WA, 98206

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