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McClinchy Volunteers - Event Registration

  • 27 Apr 2025
  • 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Stanwood Middle School
  • 30



B.I.K.E.S. Club members who volunteer at least 3 hours for McClinchy* may ride the event for free - After your shift : )

You still need to register HERE, like any other club ride.

You should also pickup a bib at the Stanwood Middle School on the day of the ride. Wear the bib while riding on the course, and use the detachable ticket for your free taco.

Club members who prefer not to volunteer can register for McClinchy at a $10 discount. Log-in to the website to get the discount code in the Members / Discounts section.

FYI - McClinchy miles count towards club miles, but all riders need to self report your distance to the Rider Miles Coordinator - Mike Dahlstrom.

*McClinchy volunteers may earn their hours by helping before or during the event.

B.I.K.E.S. Club is a members-based club. You must be a member to join us on our rides and tours. Our dues are low and are a real bargain. Won't you join us?

Join B.I.K.E.S. Club


McClinchy Camano Classic Century

The premier North Sound cycling event!

B.I.K.E.S. Club of Snohomish County
 PO Box 5242

Everett, WA, 98206

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