Title of ride: Mukilteo -La Conner -Whidbey - Tour
Day of week and date of ride: Saturday, Feb 24, through Monday, Feb 26
Start location and time: Edgewater Park Everett 9 AM.
Description of route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45625941
3-Day, 152 mile Tour, starting in Everett with two overnights and late morning starts in LaConner & Coupeville.
Day 1- Everett to LaConner 55 mi., via Norman Rd, Stanwood (lunch), Conway
Day 2 LaConner to Coupeville 55 mi., March Point, Anacortes (lunch), and Deception Pass
Day 3 Coupeville to Everett 42 hilly miles, via Freeland (lunch), Langley and Mukilteo ferry.
Carry your own gear. Make your own overnight reservations.
Distance, Pace and Terrain Code (A, B, C, D):152 mi. Steady-moderate pace, first half- mostly flat, 2nd half - Fidalgo and Whidbey Islands and mostly hilly- D
Ride leader name & contact information: Steve Linari 425-210-3166 (text)
Weather constraints: Rain or shine
Other important details: Overnight parking at leaders house by request