Monroe-Lake Chaplain
LouR has requested a shorter version of the Chaplain ride. For those that want to start in Monroe we will be stopping at Lewis St Park, Monroe, 11-11:15 then Ben Howard Rd to Sultan, stopping at Sultan Bakery by request. Then ride up Reiner Rd, to Lake Champlain Rd., explore an out and back to Lake Champlain before returning to Monroe.
Start location: Lewis St Park 11-11:15 AM Monday
Route map link :
Distance: 33 mi
Pace: Moderate
Weather: Expect warmer temps approaching 60ยบ. Chance of rain 20%. Heavy rain at the start cancels.
Terrain mostly paved (D) and Elevation gain: 1700'
Please arrive early, bring a copy of the route, and be ready to roll out by 11. Sections of this route have not have been pre ridden, may encounter unexpected challenges and uncertainties, necessitating revision. Bring a spirit of adventure, preparation, determination, appreciation, flexibility, assistance and cooperation.
Ride leader name & contact information: Steve L. 425-210-3166 text