The Tuesday, Sept.12, Steady Pace ride will meet at the Snohomish Library at 9:45am -roll time expected at 10:00am. PLEASE NOTE: If the library parking lot is cordoned off or full, park on 3rd St between Maple and Lincoln. The start location is NOT on Three Lakes Rd as indicated on the RWGPS route map.
From Snohomish, we will ride to Monroe, cross Highway 2 and ride on some lower travelled roads north of the highway and back to the start. Restroom not available at the start, please plan accordingly. Possible restroom opportunity in Monroe (Fred Meyer or other) or at the Storm Lake grocery (plan to make a small purchase to offset our impact).
26 miles, 12-14mph on the flat sections, with regroups as necessary at the top of hills, a,b,c terrain.
RL- Debbie K. 425-359-1974
Steady rain will cancel this ride, with notification by 8:30am on Ride Updates. Bring water, food if desired and the means to repair a flat.
Group size limited to 12. Current club guidelines allow Class 1 and 3 E-bikes w/o throttles.