Leavenworth-Cashmere Extension
Option to add 14- 30 more miles to Day 2
7:45 AM Meet at the Safeway in Leavenworth next to Hampton Suites on SR2 for an 8:00 roll out. We plan on riding a steady pace and arriving in Cashmere Riverfront Park by 10 AM in time for the main event ride for Day 2.
Route link
leader - Steve Linari 425-359-2499
You have the option to do Leavenworth-Cashmere or Cashmere-Leavenworth or both depending on how you can arrange your own SAG.
This will be a self-paced, self-guided group with no sweep, geared for the more independent cyclist. If you desire a cue sheet, please go to the route link below and print one for yourself. It is recommended you ride with others riding your pace but prepared to ride independently. I plan on riding a steady pace to Cashmere in order to be in Cashmere for the main event ride. I will likely ride a faster pace on the return.