Opening Statement: Machias - Sultan Brisk 46
Description of route: Taking Machias, Ok Mill, Dubuque, Woods Creek, Pipeline, Reiner to Sultan Bakery. Then return via Ben Howard, Chain Lakes, and Spada
Day of week: Thursday, May 18
Start location link:
Route map link :
Distance: 46 mi
Pace: Brisk
Terrain Code (A, B, C, D) and Elevation gained: B-C , 2600'
Planned stops: Sultan Bakery, Monroe Lewis Park restroom
Please arrive early for a briefing, bring a copy of the route and be ready to roll out at start time.
Ride leader name & contact information: Steve L. 425-359-2499 text or voice message
Weather constraints: Heavy Rain Cancels, light rain slows pace
Current weather forecast: warm but not as hot as earlier in the week
Other important details: no water at the trailhead due to waterline break.