A Sunny LEiSURELY Saunter
Beginning at Lowell River Front Park, we will be cycling a leisurely pace on this mostly flat, 32 mi route to Snohomish and then back to the Everett Marina waterfront via Grand Ave (with an optional 8 mi loop to Langus Riverfront Park depending how the group feels.)
Day of week:This Friday at 10 AM
Start location:
Lowell Riverfront Trail Park
Route map link : https://ridewithgps.com/routes/42669516
Distance: 32+ mi Pace: leisurely, stay together Terrain Code A
Planned stops: Snohomish Restroom on First, Legion Park Restroom, Everett Marina lunch option
Please arrive early for a briefing, and be ready to roll out at 10 AM.
Ride leader name & contact information: Steve L. 425-359-2499 text or voice message
Current weather forcast: Sunny approaching 70ยบ