Title of ride:Newport Hills
Day of week and date of ride: Monday, March 27, 2:30 Rollout
Start location and time: Arboretum Parking lot #16
Description of route: From the Arboretum, we will cross the 520 floating bridge to Medina, and Bellevue then ride a loop through the Newport Hills then return via the always lovely Mercer Is loop before returning on the I-90 floating bridge to lake Washington Blvd
Distance, Pace and Terrain Code (A, B, C, D): 44 mi, Brisk Pace, 2600', C.
RWGPS Route map:https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41781649
Ride leader name & contact information: Christine T.(leader) 206-841-7963
Weather constraints: Rain or shine.
Other important details: Registration closes 2 hours before start time.