Title of ride: Be Mine on Whidbey Is.
Day of week and date of ride:Tuesday, Feb 14, Valentines Day
Start location and time: 9:30 AM Mukilteo Ferry
Description of route: South East Whidbey
Distance, Pace and Terrain Code (A, B, C, D): 38 Miles, Steady Pace, Hilly D, Some MTB trails, 3400'
RWGPS Route map:https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41980917?privacy_code=S5c8fibczv4AG4mM
Ride leader name & contact information: Steve L. 425-359-2499 text or voice message
Weather constraints: Expect colder temps. Ice/ snow cancels. Start time may pushed back to 10:30 depending on weather
Other important details: Registration closes at 8 AM.