Title of ride:Hügel der Nachbarschaft (Neighborhood Hills)
Day of week and date of ride: Thurs, Dec 8. Registration closes at 9 AM.
Start location and time: Corner of Shore Ave & 33rd Ave W. Start moved up to 9:30.
Stay in shape and keep warm, riding a slower pace in the Neighborhood Hills. Low gears for the hills, larger tires occasional off road sections will be helpful. Routes and distances will vary.
Distance, Pace and Terrain Code (A, B, C, D): D, 30 mi, 3000', Social pace,
RWGPS Route map:https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41557491
Ride leader name & contact information: Steve L. 425-359-2499 text or voice message
Weather constraints: Rain or Shine, ice cancels. Chance of rain increasing later in the day.
Will text registrants 2 hr before start time in the event of cancellation or start time changes
Other important details: Parking on street available on 33rd between Wave and Shore, or park at my house, text for directions.