Title of ride: Fidalgo Island
Day of week and date of ride: Tues. Nov 15
Start location and time: Swinomish Casino Parking Lot 9 AM
Description of route:
March Point, Calico Cupboard-Anacortes, Washington Park, Mt Erie-Summit, Rosario and Bowman Beach gravel trail, Deception Pass State Park, Shrimp Shack- lunch
Distance, Pace and Terrain Code (A, B, C, D): 51 mi., 4000', moderate, D
RWGPS Route map:https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41407833
Ride leader name & contact information: Steve L. 425-359-2499 text or voice message

Weather constraints: Ice cancels
Other important details: Registration closes at 8 PM day before