Moderate Hidden Gem Ride
Ride leader: Rick Proctor: 425-293-3153,
Register by 8 PM evening before the ride if you intend to go.
Group sizes are limited to 8 people including the Ride Leader.
Moderate pace (14 – 16 mph)
Meet at 9:45 AM for a 10 AM rollout at parking lot across from Everett Station, SW corner of 32nd St & Smith Ave in Everett.
36 miles, 1,000 feet of gain, A/B terrain.
Ride along the Snohomish River, on the Centennial Trail up to Lake Stevens, and around an edge of the Snohomish River Valley. Outside coffee / lunch at the Snohomish Bakery (~mile 28). If we're lucky enough for a sunny day, a hat could be useful here due to scarce shade.
Foul weather cancels, check the Ride Updates page or text / e-mail if in doubt.
Ride with GPS link: