Tuesday steady ride for July 27; Brier-Lake Forest Park-Bothell loop
This will start at McCollum Park at 9:30, south of the swim center, despite the map showing MSCP starting. Please arrive by 9:15. Bring snacks/$ for a food stop.
The route will resemble https://ridewithgps.com/routes/35907581
Sort of like a combo pizza, this ride combines parts of three other rides. uses roads and trails to Brier, Lake Forest Park, Bothell and return.
Approximately 30 miles, ~1200' elevation, terrain A/B, steady pace, snack/food stop at Thrasher Corner Starbucks or similar.
Steady rain/snow/excessive heat cancels. Check ride updates.
Group size set at 10 including ride leader. Bring snacks. Restroom stops depend upon availability of facilities.
Dan Scott 425-501-6198