Asphalt paved trail. Start at south (Snohomish) end at the northeast corner of Maple & Pine. On street parking available adjacent to trail. A and a little B Terrain, 22 miles unless you want to do more or less (good ride for beginners as you can turn around at any point to make it the distance you want), Social Pace, Rest and snack stop at Lake Cassidy. Optional lunch stop at Buzz In in Lake Stevens.
Ride Leader Bill Lutterloh 360.668.9554,, cell phone 425.870.6418. Poor weather or forecast will cancel.
Rides are limited to 8 people. Every rider must bring hand sanitizer and face mask.
Register using the button to the left. The ride is limited to 8 participants, including the ride leader.
Your BIKES membership must be current to sign up and participate.