Tuesday July 6 meet at 9:45 for 10 a.m. start. Start location is Paine Field Community Park 11928 Beverly Park Road, Everett. 22.5 miles, approx. 1200 feet elevation Pace will be Steady, 12 - 14 on the flat.
Restrooms are available at the start.
We'll ride through Harbour Pointe, Mukilteo, and Everett, returning along the Interurban Trail.
Route Map https://ridewithgps.com/routes/36624133
Extreme weather or other unsafe conditions will cancel. If the ride is cancelled I will post in Ride Updates at least 2 hours before ride start. Bring plenty of water and snacks if you want them.
We will follow all Club safety and Covid requirements. Some glass was on the road during pre-ride, especially toward the end of the route. Please be extra careful about pointing it out to each other.