Title of ride: Social Pace Tuesday Ride
Day of week and date of ride: Tuesday, March 16
Start location and time: Mill Creek Sports Park, 10:30 a.m.
Description of route: Meet at 10:15 for a 10:30 ride start. Ride from the Sports Park on North Creek Drive through the backroads and neighborhoods of Mill Creek. Relatively low elevation, but still some "B" terrain (rolling hills). You should be able to ride at least 10-11 mph and be comfortable riding along roadways with varying traffic. Rest stop at Willis Tucker Park.
Distance, Pace and Terrain Code (A, B, C, D): 17 miles, A and B terrain. Social pace (10-12 mph on flat roads)
RWGPS Route map:
Ride leader name & contact information: Cindy Proctor 425-293-3152
Weather constraints: Forecasted rain showers or other inclement weather will cancel this ride.
Other important details: Will set a limit of FIVE riders (in addition to ride leader). Register via online link. COVID restrictions will be observed, and mask wearing is expected at the beginning of the ride and during stops.