Whatcom County Tour -- CANCELLED!!
(Birch Bay - Blaine - Lummi Island)
RSVP: by Saturday, Sept 28th
Ride Leader: Raquel Haunreiter 425-760-0805
Co-Leaders: Dan & Elaine Scott 425-501-6198
Come join us for a week-end of fun & a couple of great rides up in Whatcom County! Birch Bay! Blaine! Peace Arch Park! and Lummi Island!! Beautiful territory up there! So, let's go!!
Camping options at Birch Bay State Park (1st-come, 1st serve), or at the Silver Reef Casino (for free!) There are also plenty of hotels and camps nearby.
Saturday, Oct 5:
Start site: Birch Bay State Park (Use your Disccover Pass here if you have, otherwise it's $10 for parking/day use)
Time: 10am
High Social pace, 40 miles, 939 ft elev gain.
Route map: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/18454372
There will be a Saturday post-ride dinner meal at Birch Bay State Park, so please let us know if you'll be joining us.
Sunday, Oct. 6:
Start site: Ferndale Chamber of Commerce (1st Ave & Cherry St)
Time: 9:30am roll-out ==> 11:10am ferry boat
High Social pace, 32 miles, 856 ft elev. gain
We will be taking the 11:10am ferry boat to Lummi Island at Mile 13. $7 for bike & rider. Credit & debit cards accepted, except for American Express.
Route map: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/31078901
Heavy rain forecast cancels this ride so pls check Ride Updates page a few days before.
Thank you!